• NewDEAL Forum Launches AI Task Force

    As artificial intelligence becomes a universal technology, elected leaders must play a key role in not only regulating AI to mitigate threats but also in leveraging the technology to make government work better.

  • Federal Funds, Local Results

    Since taking office in 2021, President Biden has enabled states and localities across the country to pursue bold policy action with federal funds. Read 12 case studies exploring the concrete ways these bills are working for Americans.

  • Six Months Out: Priorities To Protect Our Democracy

    Six Months Out: Priorities To Protect Our Democracy

    In less than six months, citizens around the country will start voting for positions ranging from school board to President of the United States. We offer six initiatives to prioritize over the final six months, focused on voting, election integrity, and civic engagement.

  • 2024 Ideas Summit

    The annual NewDEAL Forum Ideas Summit focuses on solutions to the biggest challenges and opportunities for state and local leaders to expand economic opportunity and make government work better.

  • Keep America Connected

    NewDEAL Forum is spearheading a coordinated, bipartisan effort among state and local elected officials to encourage Congress to fully fund the Affordable Connectivity Program.

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About new deal Forum

The NewDEAL Forum is a non-profit organization which identifies and promotes innovative, future-oriented state and local pro-growth progressive policies that can improve the lives of all Americans. Our policy groups and task force help identify and spread proven solutions for the big challenges we face as a nation.