
Climate Rachel Walsh Climate Rachel Walsh

How States & Cities Can Fully Harness Federal Climate Investments

Historic federal investments from the Biden-Harris Administration, including the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), CHIPS Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are empowering state and local leaders to create impactful changes in communities across the country, particularly when it comes to addressing climate change and expanding access to clean energy.

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Democracy Rachel Walsh Democracy Rachel Walsh

Safeguarding the 2024 Election: Six Key Takeaways from the Democracy Working Group

The NewDEAL Forum’s Democracy Working Group met in mid-September to discuss key efforts to safeguard the 2024 election. Election officials and voter advocacy leaders laid out what they are doing to ensure election security and protect democratic processes. The participants emphasized the need to combat misinformation, strengthen voter protections, and maintain public trust in election outcomes.

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AI Rachel Walsh AI Rachel Walsh

AI and Government: Six Key Takeaways from NewDEAL Policy Roundtable

NewDEAL Forum's sister organization, NewDEAL Leaders, convened a policy roundtable during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, bringing together experts and elected officials to discuss the impacts of the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence, or generative AI.

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Democracy Rachel Walsh Democracy Rachel Walsh

Six Months Out: Six Priorities To Protect Our Democracy

In less than six months, citizens around the country will start voting (early, by mail, and in person on Election Day) for positions ranging from school board to President of the United States. We offer six initiatives to prioritize over the final six months, focused on voting, election integrity, and civic engagement.

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Democracy Rachel Walsh Democracy Rachel Walsh

12 Steps to Protect Democracy in 2024

In less than a year, American democracy faces another major test. As state and local election officials prepare for the upcoming election, the NewDEAL Forum has released “12 Priorities Over 12 Months to Protect Democracy.”

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Climate Rachel Walsh Climate Rachel Walsh

Guide to Clean Energy Solutions Financing

Following a presentation to our Climate Change Policy Group by the Loan Programs Office (LPO) at the U.S. Department of Energy, the NewDEAL Forum has published a report for state and local leaders about opportunities to attract investments for clean energy projects in their communities.

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Broadband Andrea Cruz Broadband Andrea Cruz

Letter on the Affordable Connectivity Program

Broadband Task Force co-chairs pen letter to Congress on the significant impact the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has had in connecting people across the country to high-speed internet and urge them to prioritize funding to extend the lifespan of the program.

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Climate Rachel Walsh Climate Rachel Walsh

Carbon Capture Technology Guide

As the dangerous impacts of climate change grow, including the increasing intensity and quantity of natural disasters, rising temperatures, and more frequent droughts, scientists around the world agree that reducing emissions of greenhouse gases is critical to preventing further damage.

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