is an excellent resource for tracking where the ACP-obligated funds go and which ISPs are benefitting the most from the program. Use the search bar to filter for “Affordable Connectivity Program.” You can also filter by fiscal year and by state. After searching, you can see the recipients of ACP awards under the “Direct Payments” tab on the right. You can see the total amount awarded to a recipient by clicking its name.
EducationSuperHighway ACP Enrollment Dashboard
Use the dashboard to effectively target new federal broadband funding to support Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) awareness and adoption efforts. Hover over the map to see progress in each state or click to open the dashboard for progress by city.
The Benton Institute’s ACP Enrollment Performance Tool
This tool was created to help any community answer the question: “How are Affordable Connectivity Program sign-ups going?”
Institute for Local Self-Reliance’s ACP Dashboard
This dashboard visualizes the data released on Affordable Connectivity Program utilization by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
ACP Enrollment and Claims Tracker
On January 11, the FCC released an Order announcing the wind-down requirements of the Affordable Connectivity Program, due to a lack of additional funding from Congress. Providers currently participating in the ACP are strongly encouraged to review the FCC’s Order. The Order sets out requirements regarding the specific and frequent notices to enrolled ACP households about the end of the program, currently projected for April 2024.
ACP Maps, Dashboards, and Tools: Which is Right for You?
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides eligible households with a subsidy toward their internet bill. While ACP is a valuable step toward digital equity for many households, we must help eligible households take advantage of ACP and guide Congress to renew the funding.
Don’t Disconnect Us
Internet access is essential to participating in today's world, and for millions of Americans, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has helped them to get online. Despite the undisputed success of the ACP, the program will run out of funding in just over 90 days - unless Congress acts.