Statement Regarding the Affordable Connectivity Program

Debbie Cox Bultan, CEO of NewDEAL Leaders, recently made the following statement regarding the Affordable Connectivity Program:

“It is deeply disappointing that Congress has allowed the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to expire. The investment was a vital feature of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), which connected 23 million households to high-speed internet and advanced economic opportunities all over the country. 

As the NewDEAL Forum’s Broadband Task Force has emphasized in imploring Congress to fund the program, broadband is no longer a luxury but a necessity to connect Americans to work, school, and healthcare. State and local leaders have seen the tangible impacts of ACP in their communities. Losing the ACP also creates new challenges in implementing the law, requiring states to provide a reliable, low-cost internet option to access millions of dollars to build more broadband infrastructure. 

Congress should not give up on this program. However, while we will continue to urge the House Speaker to allow a vote on the bipartisan proposal to fund it, it is now up to state and local leaders to fill the void. We will work with them to identify and share the most effective solutions for the Americans who have lost access to affordable broadband.”


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