Key Strategies

  • Providing disclosure of updated flood zone information and previous flood claims prior to real estate transactions, while helping property owners understand their flood risk by providing data and information in easy-to-use and publicly available tools.

  • Providing new, creative funding mechanisms to help private building owners to fund flood and other resiliency improvements. Programs must be implemented with consumer protections to ensure loans are made to borrowers who can afford them.

  • Updating zoning laws to reflect higher flooding resiliency requirements.

  • Mandating resiliency measures in transportation, insurance, and construction codes, including through updating precipitation models for current conditions amid climate change impacts.

  • Supporting federal efforts to reform flood insurance markets and ensure that property owners can purchase coverage at affordable rates while having access to the capital necessary to flood-proof their homes and businesses.

  • Investing in green infrastructure like porous pavement and rain gardens.

  • Encouraging managed retreat from high-risk areas.