Key strategies for expanding and supporting apprenticeships include:
Increasing apprenticeship opportunities and on-ramps in high-skill, high-growth industries – particularly for under-represented populations – by aligning education, workforce development, and employer-based training systems
Expanding apprenticeship opportunities to serve adult learners in addition to students
Encouraging the engagement and expansion of intermediaries (like industry associations, colleges, and workforce boards) to support industry in developing new programs
Defining apprenticeships as rigorous, high-quality opportunities, which adhere to standards on wages and are otherwise consistent with federal regulations for registered apprenticeships (U.S. Dept. of Labor 29.29)
Ensuring apprenticeships create on-the-job learning opportunities, mentoring, and related training
Involving employers deeply at every stage of the process in expanding apprenticeships
Offering rewards for skill gains, including nationally-recognized occupation credentials and transferable, stackable competencies