Policies > Climate Solutions > Section 5
Reducing barriers to innovative climate project through permitting reform.
Section 1:
Reducing Emissions
Section 2:
Building Resiliency
Section 3:
Fostering Widespread Support
Section 4:
Leveraging Federal Funding
A significant barrier and opportunity to unlock clean energy’s economic and health benefits is through streamlining and reforming permitting processes. As an example, the emerging offshore wind sector currently would generate nearly21,000 MW or enough energy to power 50 million homes. Permitting is not only bogged down in bureaucracy but has been weaponized at the local level to prevent progress.
Creating a state permitting framework to clarify roles can help alleviate these issues. For example, while state permitting typically applies to the first three miles of offshore wind projects, challenges often arise when connecting power to the onshore grid. A state approval process that preempts local permitting and includes objective criteria can balance the need to ensure the health and safety of communities while providing a fair and timely process to advance clean energy projects.
Find more insights on permitting, workforce development, and more tools that can help state and local leaders maximize federal climate funds.
Keys to successful permitting reform
Streamline Zoning and Review Processes
Pursue laws that streamline the zoning and review process to build more in more places and break the logjam to new construction and general NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) advocacy that arises at the local level.
Structure Policies to Meet Diverse Community Needs
Craft policies that are inclusive of different types of communities (i.e. rural communities), particularly in investment and economic benefit.
Combat Misinformation and Engage the Public
Meet with the public to address concerns and center policy discussion in direct economic benefits and impact.
Success Story
Michigan’s legislature, in collaboration with the Governor, enacted a historic bill package to lower utility costs, create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs, and protect the state’s air, water, and public health. House Minority Leader Ranjeev Puri championed legislation addressing the challenges faced by Michigan’s 1,700 municipalities, which often lacked resources to review and pursue large-scale energy projects. His approach balanced empowering local governments with providing a streamlined process for landowners to voluntarily lease their land for clean energy initiatives. Puri also prioritized educating colleagues on the economic benefits and directly engaging communities through town halls to build understanding and support.
Rep. Puri’s House Bill 5121 bolsters the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) by providing state regulators with authority over large-scale clean energy permitting and empowering landowners to enter into agreements with developers to lease their land for renewable energy projects. The bill authorizes the MPSC to review and approve energy projects that would preempt any local ordinance. The review process provides a clear timeline with specific, straightforward, criteria. Projects meeting these standards will be approved:
Public benefits justify the facility's construction.
Holds a public meeting in the jurisdiction.
Environmental and natural resource impacts are addressed.
Enter into at least one agreement with—or benefitting—at least one community-based organization (workforce training, community amenity, or annual contributions).
Workers will be paid at least the prevailing wage and construction will adhere to a labor agreement
The project poses no unreasonable threat to public health or safety.
“We’re seizing the moment to make Michigan a national leader in clean energy production while creating jobs and lowering costs,” said state Rep. Ranjeev Puri (D-Canton). “The projects this legislation enables will create good-paying jobs, decrease energy bills and build healthier communities. This is a major step to make Michigan a more affordable and attractive place to raise a family.”