Renewing America: Supporting Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs and startups are at the heart of this economic dynamism, but since the Great Recession, entrepreneurs have struggled to find access to capital to start new businesses at the same rates as before, and the startup rate has been sluggish, with more firms failing than launching each year in most metro areas. Notably in 2018, on net the economy added no additional firms for the first time in our nation’s history.
Renewing America: Modernizing the Social Safety net
The pandemic has forced attention on the shortcomings of our nation’s safety net, creating opportunities to reimagine and strengthen that system as policymakers focus on rethinking and rebuilding our economy.
Renewing America: Making transit trustworthy and accessible
State and city governments have long been working on making public transit more accessible and building a system that gets residents where they need to go without burdensome delays, transfers, or high fares.
Renewing America: Expanding Access to broadband
The pandemic brought with it a pivot to virtual work and school wherever possible, and access to quality broadband has never been more essential to American life than it is now.
Renewing America: Addressing the Childcare Crisis
With more than 12 million children under the age of 5 in some form of child care across the country, and around 1.5 million Americans directly employed in the child care profession, child care is essential to America’s economy and future prosperity.
Renewing America: Improving access to affordable housing
Prior to the pandemic, the United States was already dealing with significant housing issues, including high rents, unattainable housing prices, and a lack of housing stock.
Renewing America: Policy proposals and Guidelines to build back better
America has rarely encountered such challenging circumstances as the country faces today, amid a once-in-a century public health emergency that has caused economic devastation for millions of people while touching every aspect of society.