Policies > Climate Solutions > Section 1
Reducing Emissions
In order to avoid the most damaging consequences of climate change, we must rapidly and dramatically slash greenhouse gas emissions. Securing a livable climate means transforming every sector of American life, from how we power the grid to how major industries operate. This requires significant investment, innovative policy, and thoughtful collaboration across the economy and all levels of government.
Section 1:
Reducing Emissions
Section 2:
Building Resiliency
Section 3:
Fostering Widespread Support
Section 4:
Leveraging Federal Funding
Section 5:
Luckily, we know how to do this. As action stalled on the federal level, and the Trump Administration reneged on the Paris Agreement, states and cities across the nation began cutting emissions and fostering a greener, more stable economy. These local governments, often led by NewDEAL Leaders, created policies and programs that are working on the ground today.
In addition, they joined the Paris Agreement, called on the Administration to rejoin the international community, and started fostering the international partnerships on which America must lead. And their actions can have a multiplying effect, spurring new collaborations and bolder goals as governments hit their emission reduction targets ahead of schedule.
State and local leaders must steer dramatic greenhouse gas emission reductions in their communities.
Environmental justice must be central to decision making in order to protect vulnerable populations, equitably share the benefits of reducing emissions, and address legacy pollution.
Climate efforts should include both sector-specific strategies as well as solutions that reduce emissions across all sectors (like carbon pricing).